

Execute and test PHP functions for URL handling. Encode, decode or parse URLS as you like.


Decodes a string ($data) encoded with base64_encode().


Encodes the given $data with base64.

This encoding is designed to make binary data survive transport through transport layers that are not 8-bit clean, such as mail bodies.

With base64_encode() encoded data takes about 33% more space than the original data.


Fetch DNS Resource Records associated with the given $hostname.

Google Pagerank

With this function the current Google Pagerank can be checked.

PageRank™ and Google™ are protected trademarks of Google Inc., Mountain View CA, USA.


Generates a URL-encoded query string from the associative (or indexed) array provided.


Decode an IDNA encoded string.


Encode a string with the IDNA punycode.


This function parses a URL and returns an associative array containing any of the various components of the URL that are present.

  • scheme - e.g. http
  • host
  • port
  • user
  • pass
  • path
  • query - after the question mark ?
  • fragment - after the hashmark #

This function is not meant to validate the given URL, it only breaks it up into the above listed parts. Partial URLs are also accepted, parse_url() tries its best to parse them correctly.


Returns a string in which the sequences with percent (%) signs followed by two hex digits have been replaced with literal characters.


Encodes the given string according to « RFC 1738 ».


Decodes any %## encoding in the given string $str. The string could be encoded with the function urlencode().


This function is convenient when encoding a string to be used in a query part of a URL, as a convenient way to pass variables to the next page.